Rockefeller Z – 2004 Ch/Ad jumper schoolmaster (LEASED THROUGH FEB 2021)

Rockefeller Z

Rockefeller Z, otherwise known as Rocky, is a 2004 15.3h Oldenburg gelding by Stakkato Gold. Rocky is in search of his next partner to dominate in the low or high child/adult jumpers with. This horse played a major role in my sister’s riding career as he was Shelly’s first horse coming off of a pony and took her from the 1m all the way to jumping her first 1m40 tracks. He racked up countless wins in the low and medium JR/AO jumper divisions and even once won 7 JR/AO jumper classes in a row. Rocky has results at top venues such as LGCT Miami, WEF, Washington International Horse Show, Kentucky, Upperville, Tryon, etc. Rocky is the perfect horse for a junior or small amateur rider who is looking to win every class they step into. He is a straightforward ride with a good mouth, but has plenty of blood, therefore making him suitable for a rider that is comfortable with a forward type.

Please note — this horse did occur a tendon injury in July 2019. The tear was treated aggressively with PRP & shockwave therapy. He was rehabbed slowly and correctly with PEMF, red light laser, and TheraPlate as an extra aid. The injury healed beautifully and ahead of schedule, and he has not taken an unsound step since the initial injury. Because of this, we are flexible with options on how to go forward with his lease. A good home with proper horse management is our upmost requirement so that he can continue to do what he loves for many years to come.



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May 19, 2021